A couple of weeks before classes started back this year, Audrey broke up with Connor. She told him she'd been thinking about it since we came back from spring break but wasn't sure how to broach the topic until now.
A few months after Patience's miscarriage, she and Rob decided to start trying again and ended up conceiving almost immediately! Patience has just entered her second trimester and is due in July.
November is one of Gordon's busiest months with law school, so we have both been incredibly stressed lately. Gordon works all day and then at night and for most of the weekend, he either has classes or he studies.
I've been so excited about the twins' arrival but walking into the hospital, Joanna and I were both a little nervous about it. Giving birth and newborn babies are completely new experiences to us.
Over the past month or so, I've spent a lot of time trying to keep Lia calm. I can be a worrier myself and Lia definitely inherited that from me. She's probably a thousand times worse though and often ends up becoming overwhelmed.
Our original plan for spring break was to camp out at the beach. It would have ended up costing us hardly any money, we were right on the beach and we thought it would be a lot of fun too.
Narrated by Charlie Benton Almost everyone else on campus is away on spring break right now, except us. It's nice and quiet but I just keep thinking how cool it would have been if we got to go as well.