Thursday, 4 December 2008

Vincenzo and Chiara meet (most of) their grandchildren

Round 8: Days 36-40

I really do find elders quite boring. It doesn't matter how interesting they are one day before they age, they are boring to me at 6pm the next day. Seeing Vincenzo dance like this, in an old man robe, makes it just that little bit less boring.

While Vincenzo is grooving inside, Chiara has been playing the role of loving nonna and has invited her daughters and grandchildren over for the day.

She is thrilled to finally be able to meet Augustin, her newest grandchild. He's so tiny that Raffaella ends up taking him home to Lukas and coming back later (read: I deleted him with InSim because I didn't want to worry about feeding him).

I cannot describe how disturbed I would have been to walk in on my grandfather grabbing my grandmother's butt. Eww. I don't think the grandchildren saw, in this case (by the way, I love that Sim kids will actually react to this sort of stuff, depending on personality).

Anyway, Chiara catches Caterina messing around on her teleprompter in Raffaella's old room. Seeing it is not a toy, she distracts her with a few jokes. It seems to have worked.

Downstairs, Vincenzo is not having as much luck captivating Arianna's interest.

He gets a little more animated but Arianna still looks more confused than anything. Oh well. He got her attention at least.

I suppose this would be more disturbing than the butt grabbing though. Chiara and Vincenzo end the day with a home date and a little car woohoo.


  1. You're right about elders and it is a shame. Thankfully, I've had a few that still manage to be interesting after going gray, but it is rare! I try to keep them in the family, even if it is unrealistic, just so I don't have to play them alone, LOL!

  2. Well, it doesn't show in your writing that you find them boring! I'm always as enthralled with your elders as I am with everybody else.

    Kristina is the only elder in Sullivan I haven't found boring and that's because she's been kept so busy with Alexandra.

  3. Just started reading your blog and decided to start from the beginning (yes, I realise I have a lot of catching up to do!), loving it so far! Can't say I find elders entertaining either, I do find Vincenzo quite amusing though! The only two elders in my game at the moment are too busy cooking and spying on people through the telescope...

    1. Wow, yes, you do have a lot of catching up to do! I'd advise you to consider skipping until say Round 14 or so but I know that if you're the type who has to read everything, you're probably going to anyway! LOL. But in my opinion, the later stuff is a lot better.

      I find elders a lot more interesting now that I'm several generations in. They still don't get up to much of interest themselves but I sometimes use their updates to continue any stories that I started with their kids or grandkids. That can actually be useful. :)

      Thanks for reading and commenting!
