Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Spring 2011 birthdays

It's just past 6am and Anna has just slammed the lid onto the rubbish bin when she feels the familiar pangs of contractions.

She calls out to someone - anyone - to come and assist her. Maria and Filippo run out still in their PJs and Emil has arrived home from work just in time!

And now Emil and Anna have a pigeon pair - a boy and now a girl! Welcome Hope Miriam!

Down the road at the Novak household, Malcolm has just turned one. Unlike big sister Adrienne, who is Owen all over, Malcolm has inherited features from Owen and Naomi.

Speaking of Adrienne, she's thrilled that her baby brother is now old enough to huggle!

Random pics:

I just think Anna is super-cute with Nathan. She's usually pouting or scowling but she's always smiley with Nathan.


Just a comparison between Malcolm and his parents as toddlers. Here's Naomi.

You can see she has slightly pointy looking cheekbones, which Malcolm also has. They smoothed out nicely for her once she became a teen. Malcolm definitely has her mouth too.

Here's toddler Owen!

I'm still trying to decide whose eyes he has (probably Naomi's) but I think he's got Owen's nose. And his hair. So he's a good mix!


  1. Wow, Malcolm does look just like both of them!

    Happy birthday to Malcolm and Hope!

  2. I LOVE the toddler animations. So darn adorable when they hug like that.

    Yay! Happy birthday!

  3. I haven't had two toddlers in the house since Calvin and Troy and I don't know if I'd taken any pictures of it since Nathalie and Petra. So I just had to try the huggle again - pictures don't even do it justice.

  4. Aww, all the little kiddies are so cute!

  5. Happy birthday!

    Malcolm is really cute, I love it when the kids inherit features from both parents.

  6. Thanks guys! It's more fun when they're a mix because you get a whole new face, rather than a mini-me!
