Thursday 15 January 2009


Round 11: Days 51-55

Stan and Xanthia Benton have one child, their daughter Araminta, and have been unsuccessfully trying for a second.

Stan and Xanthia's quest for another child was still in vain. Seeing Xanthia was now over 35, they went ahead and paid the $5000 for the fertility treatments. Hopefully, it would result in a baby soon.

While her parents were otherwise occupied, Araminta kept herself busy by fraternising with the ne'er-do-wells she knew as her neighbours.

Yup, they'd definitely be moving soon. If the fertility treatment was successful, there wouldn't be any room for the baby in the townhouse anyway, unless they wanted to keep him in the closet.

Xanthia tried everything to boost her chances. Her doctor suggested being as fit as possible might have an effect, so she got her old skipping rope out of storage.

Araminta was having problems of her own. The neighbours had quietened down a bit when they knew Stan and Xanthia had a baby in the house but now that Araminta had got a bit older, they didn't seem to bother playing their music quietly or using their indoor voices.

Finally! A pregnancy test had confirmed that the fertility treatments had worked and Xanthia was pregnant. It took several unsuccessful attempts and Xanthia probably would never realise her dream of having six children but Araminta would have a baby brother or sister soon enough!

Araminta was thrilled with the news and couldn't wait to tell all her school friends.

When Xanthia talked to her daughter about moving house, she was surprised by how receptive she was to the idea. Araminta even spoke excitedly about moving to Exeter. Xanthia had grown up there and despite her happy childhood, she hadn't really considered moving back. Honestly, she hoped Araminta would just forget about that idea. She was happy in Sullivan.

They would have to get a move on with the house hunting, as Xanthia had officially entered her third trimester.

Not long now. There was nothing left to do now but wait for Baby Benton to arrive.

  • Yes, I added a charge for the fertility treatments. Anything to take money away from my Sims! I'm thinking of doubling the tuition for college too.
  • They're all such boozehounds in this complex. It's a good thing the Bentons will be moving. Noelle and Alyson would be a bad influence for Araminta in her teens.
  • Stan, Xanthia and Araminta all have allergies in a bad way! I've never caught a picture of a Sim sneezing but in spring, you can hear them sometimes. I don't ever remember hearing it as much as in the Bentons' house though.
  • Even with the fertility treatments, it still took about 4 tries for Xanthia to fall pregnant. But she finally is, and if she thinks I'm putting her through it again, she's got another thing coming!


  1. Hahaha, I love the idea of an apartment complex full of booze hounds. That is simply hilarious. Definitely not a place to raise the kids!

    Love the new hair Xanthia's sporting! Sometimes, EA comes through with decent hair. Startling, isn't it? ;)

    There's a lot of moving going on in Sullivan this round!

  2. I know, I really like a couple of the hairs from M&G and there were some not completely awful ones in AL too. Xanthia's old hair didn't work when she wore maternity wear (I was changing her to everyday with a hack through her last pregnancy) so I changed it.

    The other residents at that complex are nuts. They will stand out there drowning their sorrows through thunderstorms, rain, snow, blazing heat...they can't get enough.
