Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Round 34 Summary

In Round 33's summary, I said that round took forever but this one really took forever! I enjoyed it (crashing issues and pink flashing aside) but I am glad to say goodbye to it as well. Here's a rundown of what went on.

Births: 4 (Alex MorettiCole HamiltonWren Novak and Oscar and Stella Lachance)

Deaths: 1 (Hanna Novak)

Engagements: 3 (Jack and Audrey BentonAmar Hamilton and Adrienne NovakEdward Lachance and Lucy Gray)

Marriages: 2 (Malcolm and Hope NovakJack and Audrey Benton)

Break-ups: 0

Graduations: 4 Anthony and Veronica Moretti, Noah Gottlieb, Adelaide Sitko

New residents: 0

Total population: 146 (72 males and 74 females)

Babies: 4
Toddlers: 7
Children: 24
Teens: 13
Adults: 76
Elders: 22

I've put new residents as zero but that can't be right. The population count was 139 last round but I've gone up by 7, with only 4 babies and 1 death. So apparently, 4 people entered the hood, somehow? I have no idea who they were, so I haven't listed them. Just noting that I am aware of the discrepancy!


  1. So many babies to age up! Can't wait to see them! When do we get ROS? Any deaths I need to prepare myself for? The worst part of new rounds is my fear for Lake's life, it dampens my excitement a bit. How funny that you lost track of some sims, that was a very long round, I can imagine a few slipped through the cracks.

    1. Well, you can see Cole today! Wren, Oscar and Stella will all age up in February, so you won't have to wait terribly long to see them either. :)

      I'm giving myself a break from ROS until I get my hood set up properly again. There will be one elder death this round though and three next round, at least one of which I am already traumatised about! :(

      Thanks for reading and commenting!

  2. When I clicked on one of the links it took me back to a post in the beginning of the year, and it made me realise that you've been rebuilding for quite some time! I didn't realise this before, but I'm really glad you didn't give up on Sullivan! And I'm glad that it's all coming along quite nice at the moment.

    As usual I can't wait to see those babies grow up! I'm always excited about birthds, but then I can't wait to see them as toddlers, and then I'm really looking forward to seeing them as teens, and so on, the only lifestage I'm not looking forward that much is elderhood, but that's part of the game I guess :)

    Funny that you've lost track of some of your sims :), maybe you forgot to count them last round, instead of not remembering who you've added to your game this round.

    Still 2 more weddings to come, looking forward to those :)

    1. The rebuild is going well but geez, it's taking a long time, lol! I'm glad I didn't give up on Sullivan either. I was pretty determined to keep it going.

      I'm exactly the same way with this game. I'm always excited about something coming up next, whatever that might be. :)

      Ha, if I lost track of anyone, it almost definitely would have been in this round! I was so all over the place this round, going longer between play sessions than I normally did, plus I had that long unintended break from playing all together. Makes it hard to keep track of things!

      There are 3 weddings, actually, but Adrienne and Amar haven't set a date yet. I'm not sure if it'll take place this round. I can see them taking their time.

      Thanks for reading and commenting!

  3. Like Tanja, I, too, am glad that you did not give up on Sullivan! What an eventful round it has been! I will do a population count of New Maximiliania soon, too, not because the round would already be finished (that'll be another while...), but because I always do it at the year's end.

    1. I am very happy to once again have my hood in working order! I still get nervous it won't last but I have so enjoyed being able to play again this year.

      Your population count must be quite high, with all those megahood sims!

      Thanks for reading and commenting!

  4. 5 babies? I'm thinking what Tanja said, that you added some sims last round but in the process of rebuilding you lost track of who was a playable and not. I can barely keep track of my own 50 or so sims, so it happens.

    1. Yeah, 5 babies! I just remembered who one of the new residents would have been - Curtis Clarke, Aaron and Calvin's son who they adopted this round. I count adoptions as new residents rather than births. As for the other three though? Julia Gray, possibly? The other two are totally stumping me! It would probably help if I'd go through my notes but I cannot be bothered right now, lol!

      Thanks for reading and commenting!
