Saturday, 18 June 2011

About my absence

You may have noticed I've been very slow to respond to comments over the past few days. I also don't know when I'll have a new update up. I've been feeling really sick over the last couple of days and really can't stand sitting in front of the computer for too long.

So please bear with me while I'm recovering! I'll catch up on all your wonderful blogs once I'm feeling better and respond to your comments whenever I'm feeling up to it. I'm dying to play and get an update done but I just can't manage it right now. I know my absence hasn't been too long yet but seeing I'm usually much more prompt, I thought some people might be wondering.

Update: A real, honest-to-goodness update coming later today! I can hardly believe it myself. It'll be up at the regular time, which is 9am Australian Eastern Standard Time (GMT +10), if you didn't know. ;)


  1. I hope you get better soon, sweetie! Take your time to recover, we'll be here waiting for you when you come back :)

  2. Hope you feel better soon! Recovery time is important, don't rush it! :)

  3. *sending you good heatlhy vibes* Be well, and just play in your mind until you feel totally OK! ;)

  4. Hope you feel better soon, never fun to be Ill.hugs.x

  5. I hope you feel better soon! Get your rest!

  6. I hope you feel better soon! Take your time to recover, and rest!

  7. Ooh, Carla! I hope you feel better soon! Take care!

  8. hope you feel better soon

  9. Get well soon, there's no rush, take as much time as you need!

  10. Thank you all! I'm feeling quite a lot better today, though still not close to 100%. :) I'm sitting in front of the computer without much difficulty though, so I'm not nearly as bored as I have been for the past few days, which is a definite improvement.

  11. I hope you get feeling better soon. I know how awful certain illnesses are and i'm sorry you're feeling so crappy. Rest and recover and we'll see you soon!

  12. T.Irwin, thanks! I think I'll be catching up on reading and comments today and I'll probably try and do some playing tomorrow.

  13. I hope your still progressing well, being sick sucks so bad! *sends healthy vibes*

  14. Mizzgin03, yes, still getting a little better each day! Thanks for the well wishes!

  15. I'm glad you're feeling better.

    We made a new forum...kind of like the old ValleySunSims, but new and improved. It's called HellHasSpoken. We would be really honored if you would join us.

  16. mdpthatsme, thanks for the invitation but you probably won't see me around HHS. I'm happy with the forums I'm currently a member of and am not looking to join any more.
