Tuesday 21 October 2008

The Clarke Family

next updateThe Clarkes were still homeless when I took this picture. They were on my transition lot (just an empty cheap lot that I use to combine families from the bin, take out loans from Monique's computer and such).

They now live in Sullivan's downtown area, Exeter, where the more arty sort of Sims and others who just don't seem to fit into suburban Sullivan, for whatever reason, live.

Here's Nelson. When I first posted this family at N99, I couldn't remember his name. Even now, I keep wanting to call him Michael or Damian. Anyway, he's Family and he likes Tinkering. I can't remember his LTW, which means it's something I didn't bother to attempt.

And here's Gina. She's Popularity, with the want to become The Law. That doesn't really seem to fit her personality but I imagine her as a lawyer working for disadvantaged Sims in a dingy little office somewhere.

Gina's hardcore, no? Skipping in heels? On grass?


  1. I hate when I give a sim a name and can't remember it or what to call them something else. I did that with Dennis Hernandez at first.

  2. Heh, I'm looking at Nelson now and long after his death, I still think I should have called him Damian or Michael!
