Saturday 11 September 2021

January updates, 2047

January 2047 (Summer)

Gottlieb 1
Athena Gottlieb is 87, Amelia is 58, Wade is 57and Michael is 16.

Over at the Gottliebs, Noah and Brigit have come over for dinner to celebrate. 

With Wade’s encouragement, Noah applied for a job as project leader at Wade’s lab and today, he learned he was successful!

It means he’ll finally be back in research, rather than in the classroom, where he spent last year. He’s glad he gave teaching a try but it’s not for him. 

Noah and Wade won’t be working on the same projects but they’ll be working in the same building. 

Michael will kind of miss having his big brother at school with him but he’s happy he’ll still have Ryan.

Ryan and Michael have been friends since childhood but just in the last couple of months, it’s become something more.

Both boys come from open-minded families, so they’ve been open about their relationship from the beginning. 

They’ve always had a lot in common too. They both love to read but last year, Michael started to write as well and for a long time, Ryan was the only one who was allowed to read it. 

After much nagging, Michael did finally relent and let Amelia read some of his writing as well.

She loved it and thinks he should try to become a published author. 

Michael thinks Amelia is his mother and has to say things like that. He doesn’t have any plans to turn writing into a career, at least any time soon. 

Gottlieb 1
Finn and Victoria Romilly are 46 and Keira is 16.

Caitlin and Mitchell didn’t think they’d find anything in their price range in Exeter but as it turned out, they did. 

It’s pretty small but it’s just a block or two away from both Caitlin’s parents and her older brother Declan. 

She’s a much more frequent visitor at Victoria and Finn’s place than she was able to be last year, when living in Sullivan. 

Keira is very happy with this development, given how close she is with her older sister. 

Keira enters Grade 11 this year, so she has the opportunity to take the SAS. She doesn’t think she’ll earn a full scholarship but she’s pretty sure she could have her tuition at least partially funded. 

Finn and Victoria are not putting too much pressure on her about that. Victoria is laid back about it and Finn is just happy she’s planning on attending uni. 

Not that she has the faintest idea what she wants to major in once she gets there.

It’s not that nothing interests her - it’s that everything interests her. A lot of creative careers appeal to her but she’s also considering majoring in psych and following Caitlin into social work, or going into practice as a clinical psych. 

Finn is very keen to hear what she’s decided - he brings it up a lot - but she just doesn’t know yet. 

Victoria is a bit more understanding. She ended up in oceanography on almost a whim and her life has worked out just fine. 

Rushing into a decision is unlikely to be necessary, especially with almost two years left of high school. 

Right now, two years of high school feels like a lifetime to Keira. She’s desperate for a little bit of freedom. 

Keira has been getting those urges out with the occasional sneaky night out with Daphne. They are yet to be caught but it might be a good idea for them to quit while they’re ahead!

  • So I don't know if this is the format the monthly family updates will stay in yet! I'm still trying to figure out what I like best. But the idea of shorter updates consisting of two or perhaps even three families is one I think I will stick with for the foreseeable future. 
  • Michael and Ryan got themselves together sometime last round. I was always going to let them get together eventually - two gay sims in the same generation who are actually attracted is a no-brainer - but I wasn't sure when. So they took the decision out of my hands!
  • I cannot believe Keira didn't get caught after sneaking out. My sims seem to always get caught!


  1. Congratulations to Noah on the new job!

    I hope that Keira can figure out what she wants to do with her life, but she definitely doesn't have to rush it. She needs to take time to just enjoy being a teenager. And making sure she doesn't get caught sneaking out, lol!

    1. I did my usual careers criteria thing with Keira and she got a 5/5 for soooo many jobs! She'll pick something eventually but she doesn't feel much urgency...except from Finn, lol!

      Thanks for reading and commenting!
