Monday 20 September 2021

You say it's your birthday, February 2047

February 2047 (Summer)

Lucy Lachance has been pretty anxious about the arrival of Baby #3.

In the delivery room though, there's not much else for Lucy and Edward to focus on but getting that baby born!

It's a boy!

Quinn Matthew Lachance has his mum's brown hair and his maternal grandmother's grey eyes.

He definitely favours the Gray side of the family more than the Lachance, at least at the moment!

Lucy and Edward are so excited to introduce him to the rest of the family!

Other February birthdays:
Jonathan Novak turns 2
Oscar and Stella Lachance turn 7
Wren Novak turns 7
Andrew Clarke turns 11
Willow Novak turns 12
Catherine Moretti turns 13
Francesca Moretti turns 13
Daphne Kirby turns 16
Celeste Day turns 26
Edward Lachance turns 32
Lucy Lachance turns 32
Zane Hamilton turns 36
Maia Novak turns 45
Corbin Gray turns 62
Pamela Gray turns 62
Claudio Jacobson turns 66
Jonas Lachance turns 69
Tate Benton turns 77

February wedding anniversaries:
Daniel and Susannah Halmi - 3 years
Nathan and Rebecca Collins - 6 years
Aaron and Calvin Clarke - 15 years
Troy and Josie Clarke - 17 years
Finn and Victoria Romilly - 21 years

  • My first sim with a Q first name, in the entire history of Sullivan! I actually had two other names picked out but by the time Quinn was born, Matilda and Miles had used Logan and Malcolm and Hope had used Caroline. So Quinn it is (was going to use it for a boy or a girl). 
  • I have a little lot tour coming up for my next update. I already have the pics, so there shouldn't be much of a delay! 


  1. Aww, so cute! Congratulations, Lucy and Edward!

    1. I really need to get back to playing so I can see what Quinn actually looks like!

      Thanks for reading and commenting!
