Tuesday 15 September 2020

Hunting bears

Round 37: July 2046 (Winter)

Trent Kirby is 76, Megan is 74, Claudia and Jacob are 45, Daphne is 15 and Iris is 12.

Narrated by Daphne Kirby

This winter, Grandpa came down with the flu. He didn’t get too ill with it but it was still a worry, because he’s pretty old.

Luckily, he’s a good patient. He was quite happy to spend most of his day reading in bed, only leaving for the bathroom or to have something to eat. 

Somehow, none of us caught it from him, which meant we were able to take on all the chores Grandpa usually does. 

Thankfully, it’s winter, so no crops to tend!

Grandma decided that this winter was a great time to start teaching me how to bake.

She taught my cousin Caitlin too but they don’t get to bake together so much any more now that Caitlin is older, with a job and a boyfriend.

I’m really enjoying it! I haven’t made anything especially impressive yet but it’s a lot of fun.

I’m pretty proud of my chocolate chip cookies, if I do say so myself!

Now that Iris is in high school with me and Keira, we hang out a lot together outside of school.

She’s pretty cool for a little kid, though she hates it when she’s referred to as a little kid! 

Iris’s best friend Felicity lives right near Keira in Exeter, so we often all meet up together. 

Neither Iris or Felicity are allowed to wander around Exeter on their own yet, so having me and Keira available to escort them is a plus!

Last time we hung out, we ran into Jude Clarke, who proceeded to talk to Keira and almost ignore the rest of us.

He’s got a little crush on Keira at the moment. 

The whole idea of dating and boyfriends and things like that is fascinating to Iris and Felicity right now. They think Keira and Jude should date, I think mainly for their entertainment.

Keira likes him, but she’s just not so sure about dating him yet. 

They actually hang out a lot because they’re neighbours and Jude lets her into his dad’s recording studio to look at all his equipment and stuff. But nothing has happened romantically. Yet, anyway.

At home, Iris is always wanting to hear about my boyfriend, Joaquin.

I really want to lower her expectations about boyfriends. It’s not that amazing, honestly.

Or maybe Joaquin is just not right for me. 

He’s a decent enough guy but especially lately, he’s been a bit full-on.

His feelings seem to be growing, while mine really aren’t. 

He’s bought me some expensive gifts that have made me a little uncomfortable. 

The worst was an entire piano that he had delivered to our house and left on the porch. 

Dad especially was really not impressed. Not only do I not play piano, no one in the house does, nor do we have any interest in starting. 

He wasn’t mad at me about it but he did say I’d need to have a serious talk with Joaquin. 

I talked about it a lot with Mum and she helped me get my head in order about it. 

She didn’t tell me what to say but I think she was secretly glad with the conclusion I came to. 

I ended up telling Joaquin that I thought it would be better if we stopped seeing each other. 

I still felt quite guilty about that decision, because Joaquin wasn’t happy about it. 

But, I also think it was the right decision. I just need a little bit of time to come to terms with it. 

  • Apologies for this very late update! It took me so long to get into a headspace where I could play and write and then I kept getting distracted, interrupted and/or disturbed once I was finally ready. 
  • The piano gift actually happened and made me start watching these two very closely, to see what direction they'd go. Daphne is a Family sim, who I find even as teens seem to roll a lot of wants for their romantic interests. Joaquin is a Fortune sim, who I find pretty indifferent to romance, even through to adulthood. Yet Joaquin’s wants panel is all Daphne (apart from a locked “Go to College” want) and Daphne didn’t roll a single want for him for the whole play session, including when she was interacting with him. She did have a fear of him dying, so that was nice, I guess? LOL. Anyway, I don’t think these two were meant to be! But who knows what the future will bring? 
  • Trent's flu was a health roll but honestly, he was never in much danger! I still haven't added Realistic Sickness back, so he was pretty much guaranteed to recover. I saw a Pleasant Sims video where she talks about a similar mod called Disease Mod (I think?), so I may have to check that one out instead. It seemed more interesting than RS. 


  1. Thank you for this very readable update! (Yours always are.) I like it how you incorporated the piano as an after-date gift into the story. At 15, so much can still happen!

    1. In a different mood, I might not have written this in and just would have sold the piano and forgotten about it. But something struck me about it and I just had to. I'm happy with how it turned out, in the end.

      But I guess we'll see if this truly is the end for Daphne and Joaquin. They wouldn't be the first of my couples to break up and get back together.

      Thanks for reading and commenting!

  2. Great to see you back with an update! :)

    The start of the update I thought was quite fitting considering what is going on at the moment. ;) Grandpa seems like an easy going patient and glad that no-one else caught his illness.

    I can relate to Daphne, when I was 15 boys were not a big deal and I couldn't really care less about having a boyfriend. The piano omg haha, that is one extravagant gift!
    Great that she could talk to her mum about what was on her mind and I'm sure Joaquin will get over it and find someone who is more suited to him.

  3. Yay! An update! Seeing Megan spend some time with Daphne was really sweet, especially knowing that Caitlin's her favorite. I like how Iris and Felicity tags along with the older girls, it seems like they'll be good friends in the long run. That break-up made me wonder how Everett would react to know that Daphne's single this time lol.

    1. I kept you all waiting long enough, so I'm glad you enjoyed it!

      I don't think Megan would admit to having a favourite but she definitely has a special bond with Caitlin. I think she'll be able to share that with Daphne too now.

      My younger sister and her friends were always tagging along with me and my friends when we were this age (we have the same age difference). We are best friends now and I'm friends with lots of her friends too, so hopefully, Daphne and Iris will go the same way.

      Ha, yes, I'm sure Everett won't be too broken up about Daphne and Joaquin's split! We'll see if anything happens. I actually can't remember what their chemistry is like.

      Thanks for reading and commenting!

  4. I'm excited to get a peek into your Sims' world again! It's sweet to see the younger girls hanging out with the older ones so they can get out of the house and enjoy being teens too. I hope Daphne and Joaquin can get past this break up without any problems between the two of them. Sometimes relationships just aren't meant to be. They'll find the right ones some day!

    Hilarious that Joaquin showed his love by sending a piano as a romantic gift, lol!

    1. I'm happy you enjoyed it!

      I really like writing sisters, because I'm so close with my own sister, so anything with Daphne and Iris was fun for me.

      I am hoping neither Daphne or Joaquin will be too traumatised by this! They're both still very young, so there's plenty of time. And maybe Joaquin has learnt to go a bit easier on the gifts next time, lol!

      Thanks for reading and commenting!

  5. Megan baking with Daphne was a very sweet moment. This was a fun update! Daphne really has a lot of typical teenage moments happening, with friends, sister/tagalong, and then figuring out her feelings about her boyfriend. It's nice seeing how strong her relationship is with her entire family, they keep her grounded. I'm glad Trent was okay, I hadn't heard of the Disease Mod, I will have to check it out.

    1. I'm trying to pay more attention to hobbies. They're definitely not something I've ignored previously but I'm implementing a subhobbies system, inspired by Pleasant Sims, where each sim will have a specialty activity within their hobby. So Daphne and Megan are Cuisine sims, but are mostly into baking within that hobby.

      I think Daphne checked off all the usual teen sim stuff in this update, lol! I had a lot of fun with this family, which was nice, considering how I'd lost my mojo somewhat beforehand.

      There are two versions of the Disease Mod, one a bit more difficult than the other. I think I'll try the easier version first, just to see! Illness will still be much riskier than in an unmodded game. There's also an optional add-on where the Comfort Soup makes your sim better *gradually*, which is more realistic. It sounds very interesting to me!


      Thanks for reading and commenting!

  6. I love these multi-generational households so the grandkids get to spend so much time with their grandparents. Megan teaching Daphne how to bake was such a sweet moment.

    I actually LOL'ed when I saw the piano and read that it was a gift from Joaquin! Daphne definitely made the right decision to break up with him, it was fairer for them both when it was obvious their feelings weren't really mutual.

    1. Yes, I've come to prefer much having my grandparents live with their kids and grandkids. Not only does it mean I don't have to play elders on their own but they also get so much bonding time with their grandkids. I especially like it when a really special bond develops, like with Daphne and Megan (and Caitlin before her).

      LOL, poor Joaquin! Coming on a bit too strong and I think he scared Daphne away! I'm sure they'll each find someone better suited to them eventually. :)

      Thanks for reading and commenting!
