Wednesday, 11 December 2019

How to live alone

Round 37: May 2046 (Autumn)

Anthony Moretti is 29.
(Caleb is 64, Mitchell is 27, Caitlin is 23 and Annabel is 22)

Narrated by Anthony Moretti

I’m still keeping my dream of buying a bar alive but it’s not going to become reality for a very long time. Even with my most recent raise, the bank will still only give me a loan of $15,000 maximum and I need something closer to $50,000.

My parents don’t have the money to help me out but I did decide to follow my dad’s financial advice. He told me to move the majority of my money into a high interest savings account or maybe even a term deposit and to seriously cut down on my expenses.

Which, yeah, sounds obvious. But I’m honestly not great with money and Dad helped me see how little bits here and there really add up. 

I can’t cook like Dad does but I don’t really need to be ordering pizza or Chinese most nights either. I can cook a few things beyond eggs and 2 minute noodles.

I do need some practice though. Who burns soup? Anyway, maybe with a bit more frugality, I’ll be a bar owner by the time I’m 40. I’ve set that as my new goal.

I’d love to get there sooner but without another lottery win, it’s going to take some time.

Chris moved out with my sister Veronica about six months ago and I’ve been living alone ever since. I’m getting used to it but it’s not my favourite arrangement.

I’ve cooled things off with Connie, the girl I was semi-dating for a while, so there’s not much happening in the romance department for me either right now. 

I’m a pretty social person, so it gets lonely hanging around the house on my own. I’ve picked up a couple of new hobbies, just to keep myself occupied.

Mostly though, I try to go out and see my friends as much as I can. A change of scenery is always good. 

My friend Mitchell has been with his girlfriend Caitlin for a couple of years now but I’ve only just recently got to know her. 

She apparently had a little crush on Mitchell in high school but I had already graduated by the time she started, so I don’t remember her at all. 

It makes me feel kind of old, I have to admit.

Last time we met up, they brought Caitlin’s roommate Annabel with them and I can’t help but feel it was kind of a setup. 

I don’t know what it is about couples that they’re constantly trying to pair everybody else up but it does seem to be a thing. 

In this particular case, I’m not mad about it. Annabel is absolutely gorgeous!

And she didn’t seem to mind my terrible dance moves, so that’s another plus.

I didn’t ask her out or get her number or anything. I didn’t want to seem too eager too early.

I’m sure I’ll see her again soon and something will hopefully develop naturally from there.


  • Title is from How to Live Alone by The Pernice Brothers. Probably the most appropriate random song title that has ever come up for me!
  • Anthony's first lottery win was when he was a teenager. It was $50,000 and Caleb and Cara held it in trust for him until he graduated uni. It's why he has his own house when most other singles his age are still renting with roomies. 
  • Anthony and Annabel have three bolts without adjusting their turn-ons and turn-offs (can't remember what Annabel's are but Anthony prefers brown hair!) I've known they had very high chemistry for a while now but have been waiting for the right time to push them together and see what happened. And what happened was that Annabel had the want to interact with Anthony as soon as she came onto the lot!
  • I'm visiting Annabel's household right after June birthdays, so there will be a lot more Anthony then. 


  1. Romance is definitely in the air for these two - a 3-bolt-match is irresistible, isn't it :-)

    1. It certainly is to me! I get very excited when I see one crop up for my single sims. :)

      Thanks for reading and commenting!

  2. That set up definitely seems to have worked out on the good side for both of them! :)

    1. Definitely seems like it, doesn't it? I'm very close to being done with June birthdays, so then I'll be able to visit Annabel's household and play her and Anthony a bit more. :)

      Thanks for reading and commenting!

  3. Buying or ordering in stuff like pizza and Chinese costs an incredible amount of money - better to learn how to cook soup! And burning it is pretty easy...

    I feel for Anthony. Living alone can be depressing even for someone who isn't particularly social. Getting out with his friend is good, and it looks like he may have met someone special. Annabel is definitely beautiful!

    1. Definitely! Delivery can be super expensive, especially when you're ordering it frequently. Much cheaper to learn how to cook and maybe do some meal planning too. :)

      That is true. Even the most introverted introvert needs companionship sometimes. I think Anthony is doing okay though and things are looking bright with Annabel so far. :)

      Thanks for reading and commenting!

  4. Wow what an awesome lottery win! He might feel like he is isolated living in his own house now but later on he will be better off than most of his friends.
    Both their names together have a nice little ring to it, maybe Annabel could be the one for Anthony. ;)

    1. Yeah, that was an ROS! He probably shouldn't have been eligible but I can imagine Anthony giving it a go anyway, so I let him have it. It's set him up nicely for sure.

      Ha, I've thought that for a while! Anthony and Annabel definitely sounds like a pleasing combination!

      THanks for reading and commenting!

  5. Yes, 3 bolts is so much fun! It's probably been good for Anthony's bank account and budget that he's been single, though. What does Annabelle do? Maybe together they'll be able to save more money!

    1. 3 bolts means almost nothing once the potential couple are already friends. Functionally, all it means is that you have an easier time having interactions accepted...but I still cannot resist it!

      Annabel, alas, is a dog walker! She makes like $90 a day, so no, she's not going to be any help financially at the moment!

      Thanks for reading and commenting!

  6. These two would make an adorable couple, and it's really hard to resist 3-bolt couples. It's true that couples always try to pair people up, I've only done it once, and my friend asked me to, and what a disaster! I'm glad it's looking more promising for these two!

    I can see why Anthony gets bored, being a social guy, looking through a telescope. We have astronomy clubs here, and I feel like he'd enjoy that more if he keeps the hobby up.

    Mitchell and Caitlin are a super cute couple, it was nice to see them still going strong.

    1. I think Anthony and Annabel would make a cute couple too. :) I have never set anyone up but I was once the victim of a stealth set-up! I was at uni at the time and my friend didn't say anything but the guy and I both figured it out pretty quickly, rolled our eyes and laughed about it. We never saw each other again, so that was kind of a bust on my friend's part!

      Yeah, I'm considering what to do with Anthony next round. I just can't see him being happy living alone for too long. We'll see though. I wasn't as bored playing him as I thought I'd be!

      I'm going to work a bit more Caitlin and Mitchell into the next update, just because I love them so much. :D

      Thanks for reading and commenting!
