Hi everyone, I hope 2022 is treating you well so far! Omicron is raging in New South Wales at the moment, so I'm not going anywhere I don't have to (I'm triple-Pfizered but it's not a risk I'm willing to take), which has meant I've had plenty of time for the game.
I had a crashing issue that I procrastinated on solving, even though I was fairly certain I knew exactly where the problem file was. I just couldn't work up the motivation to fix it! But I did that last week, finally, and it only took me about an hour, all up.
So once I did that, I was able to "finish" furnishing Tim and Marius's place, which I will share in a lot tour here on the blog in a couple of days' time. After that, it will either be my uni kids or March birthdays. I have to check my birthday list to see if there's anyone I need to post an update on before I decide.
I would like to try to be more present here this year, so fingers crossed I can do it!