Wednesday 1 September 2021

You say it's your birthday, January 2047

January 2047 (Summer)

Soon-to-be big sister Mia Benton is 1!

Her brother or sister won't arrive until April, so Mia has a few months left to enjoy being the baby of the family. 

Mia is a sweet, shy little girl who loves any chance she gets to be in the great outdoors!

Happy birthday, Mia!


Cary Hamilton is now 4 and is the only new student at Sullivan Primary School this year. He's excited to head off on the school bus every day with big brother Cole. 

Theo Nihill is now 12 and ready for high school! He's looking forward to making a ton of new friends this year. 

Amy Clarke is also 12! She doesn't yet have any grand plans for the future but she does know she'd really like to have a family when she's old enough. 

Willow Novak is the final new student at Sullivan High School this year. Willow mostly wants to have fun at her new school, in whatever form that might take!

Marcus Lane has arrived on campus at Suffolk to start his studies. He hasn't decided on a major yet but he's considering something sciency!

Cousin Charlotte Lane is joining Marcus at Novak Hall. She hasn't decided on a major yet either but economics or political science are strong possibilities. 

Just as Charlotte is entering uni, her two older brothers Simon and Matthew are leaving! 

Simon is also leaving his girlfriend Sylvia behind on campus but it's just another year of uni before she can move back to town as well. 

Simon was majored in Fine Arts and Music and earned a 3.1 GPA. 

Simon has taken his brother Tim's place in the sharehouse where Eddie Gentry has been living alone. He's earning money by taking as many gigs playing in bars as he can. 

Matthew earned a GPA of 4.0 and now holds a degree in Information Studies and History. 

Matthew has also moved into the sharehouse with Eddie and Simon. He's working as a Youth Services Librarian at the library in Exeter. 


And finally, Max Nihill is Sullivan's newest senior citizen! He doesn't think 60 is old enough to retire quite yet but he's looking forward to the time when it feels right to hand over the reins of Front Page to daughter Jessica

With Jack being adopted and all (especially being that he was adopted as a baby, which means his face is not just a template - link is an explanation video), I really wanted a kid who looked like him! And I think I might have got that with Mia. 

We already knew she had his colouring but she looks so much like him apart from that!

What do you all think? She definitely has Jack's eyes, which are really distinctive and very different to Audrey's. I can't tell whose nose or mouth she has though. Jack's nose is also very distinctive but it's harder to discern facial features on toddlers. It's so tempting to age Mia up and see but I'm resisting!

  • I also officially made Tim's boyfriend Marius playable but seeing it wasn't a birthday, I didn't include him here. He does have a profile though, which you can see here
  • Cary is Zane and Chloe's (playable NPCs) son, so he is also Amar's nephew and Beau and Elisa's cousin. 
  • Now that Theo is a teen, he will get that drum kit he wanted! I'm sure the rest of the family will be thrilled!
  • How gorgeous is Willow?! She looks a lot like Maia, I think, but there's something of Ethan in her that makes her even prettier. 


  1. I think Mia does look a lot like her dad. I think she's got his nose. And those eyes are beautiful!

    1. Looking at her again, I think you're right. Definitely Jack's nose. I'm so thrilled that she looks like Jack though - his genes are completely unique in my hood. I think Zoe is an Audrey clone, so it's nice to see Jack's genes being carried on.

      Thanks for reading and commenting!
