Monday 18 October 2021

February updates, 2047

February 2047 (Summer)

Collins 2

Rebecca Collins is 38, Nathan is 37 and Byron and Noel are 3. 

Six months on, Rebecca still thinks about her late father, Trent, every single day. She wasn’t expecting to lose him just yet.

She hates that her sons, Byron and Noel, are unlikely to have many, if any, memories of him as they grow up. 

She tries to talk about him with them a lot, so they can at least know what he was like.

Byron is the spitting image of his grandfather too, which is almost eerie at times. 

Rebecca and Nathan are always busy, with 3yo twins to look after and both holding down a full time job on top of it. 

Still though, Rebecca feels like their family isn’t quite complete and would like another child.

Nathan wants to wait another year, once the boys have started pre-school, and see how they both feel about another kid then. 

Rebecca is slightly concerned she doesn’t have another year. At 38, she knows her fertility is declining but she’s agreed to wait for now. 

Rebecca and Nathan are both keen to move house. The house has been feeling a little cramped of late. 

Their current place served them well when they were just starting out but its size is really starting to become a problem now. 

There is also very little yard space and with two extremely active boys, the family is going to need it!
They’re not too worried about finding something. Both Nathan and Rebecca have earned several promotions since they first bought their place and have a nice little nest egg saved up. A modest three or four bedroom place shouldn’t break the bank too much. 


Gentry 2

Sophie Gentry is 34, Oliver is 31 and Piper is 8 months old. 

Piper is 8 months old now and Oliver and Sophie are enchanted by each and every new milestone. 

When she was born, Sophie took only a short 6 week maternity leave. Running her own restaurant is a big job and she wasn’t sure about leaving it all to a manager for any longer than that. 

As hard as she found being stuck in the house with a newborn, leaving Piper to go back to work was even harder.

Sophie really does love her job though and is so proud of the Claudette.

She didn’t build the business from the ground up or anything - all credit for that goes to her grandfather, Adam - but she’s kept it going and that’s no small feat.

Restaurants are hard, as Sophie is reminded several times a day. 

It’s an exhausting job and Sophie is always glad to come home to Oliver and Piper.

Oliver works for the SCIA but he was able to take a year’s paternity leave after Sophie went back to work and still has a few months left of that. 

It was a baptism of fire, for a man with absolutely zero experience with babies. 

He has no nieces or nephews, was too young to help when his brother and sister were born and the first baby he even held was his very own.

But he thinks he’s done pretty well with Piper. She always passes her checkups with flying colours and for the most part, she’s a very happy little girl.

He and Sophie haven’t talked about having another baby yet but if they ever do, Oliver is pretty confident he could cope with one more round of being a stay-at-home dad.    

  • Rebecca's IFS is 3 and Nathan's is 1. So he was done before Rebecca even gave birth to the second twin! I don't know if that means they'll never try again but I guess we'll see. So far, they have not. They will definitely be moving but I should probably finish decorating the two partially furnished houses I have hanging around the hood first!
  • Oliver and Sophie haven't tried either but my sims normally don't try when they still have a baby in the house. I can't even remember if these two tried for Piper or if it was a BC failure! I know I definitely wasn't expecting a pregnancy at that time though. 


  1. great stories. I love reading your blog. long time fan.

    1. I remember your user name from years ago! Glad you're still enjoying Sullivan. :)

      Thanks for reading and commenting!

  2. Aw, both families are so cute! I hope Rebecca and Nathan can come to an agreement on their family size that makes both of them happy.

    1. Yeah, not sure what will happen with these two! I'll just use my regular rule for them - two TFBs and they can come off birth control. Rebecca is older though, so her fertile window is getting smaller, so they may end up with just the boys regardless.

      Thanks for reading and commenting!
